This scripts orders the vertexes of selected planes in Blender, and exports the shape to dxf format.
Author: obim
PythonOCC shape to dxf using ezdxf
Urmatorul cod citeste vectorii poliliniilor inchise (dreptunghiuri, triunghiuri samd) Aici citeste cam tot ce este format din linii drepte. Cercurile nu functioneaza.
PythonOCC IFC viewer with a dictionary
Libraries used for this code: PythonOCC IfcOpenShellPython PyQt5 The script reads and displays the ifc 3D representation, and assigns to every open cascade geometry the Global ID of its corresponding ifc element. When the element is clicked on the 3D viewer, in the tables are displayed the props of the ifc element.
Display attributes and properties in a tab
This python code reads the atributes and psets for the selected IFC element from the BlenderBIM active view and displays them in a Blender tab. Blender 3.6 has been used.
Script that uses the matrix from an object selected in context and script that is an bbim adon
This part reads the py scripts from a folder and it runs it.
Curved and complex shapes
Obim One Loader pythonOCC pyQT5
Column with full dxf export
I column profile cut with steel plate
Create green ifcslab
This code creates a slab.